Why Should I Die For You (Single)
Why should I die for you? We have all experienced this question, both literally and figuratively, in our lives. Our heart broken into pieces, a cocktail of emotions. From laughter to tears. From tears to madness is but one step. But is it madness? Imagine your heart broken into a thousand pieces… how would you respond? “Why Should I Die For You” is the emotional dissection of the feelings that wash over us after a love relationship ends. A dissection that we will live and experience through the figure of the charming dandy. Outwardly, he seems wise … but don’t be misled … appearances are more than deceptive in his case...
The Stars Say You're Meant To Be Mine
The title is itself a summary of the entire song, but what exactly does it mean?
Someone catches your eye, the first meeting, the rise of strong feelings, a destiny that seems written in the stars … everything suggests you know the rest of the story and there will be a happy ending. Well, the reality is far from a fairy tale … make up your own mind after listening to the song.
More to come soon
Art Director Yan Haltey
Photographers Natália Mansano, Cécile Paintoux & Patrick Dancel (
Illustratrator Pauline Rossel, Jean-Marc Thomas
Copywriter Orlane Sebaï