My Rock’N’Love Story… what a story?!
As you may guess, it will be about love. But how, and what kind of love? Love takes many forms. Each person has his or her own definition of love. Remember the delightfully romantic feelings and range of emotions you have experienced in your love relationship: love, hate, disappointment, joy, passion, pleasure, hope, fear, jealousy… Imagine this cocktail of emotions staged in a show with timeless appeal and a blend of sounds ranging from rock to lyrical by way of the blues and the world of cabaret and musical comedy.
A show centred on love but inviting the audience not to lose itself in love to the point where it becomes destructive, even if it is worth being lived out to the full. A story that you will have the opportunity to discover little by little, like an Advent calendar! Just listen to the first song and you will soon understand the how’s and the why’s!
Art Director Yan Haltey
Photographers Natália Mansano, Cécile Paintoux & Patrick Dancel (Photopros.ch)
Illustratrator Pauline Rossel
Copywriter Orlane Sebaï